Engine Starts But Will Not Keep Running

Idle Speed Too LowAdjust Idle Speed.
Engine Driven Units EngagedDisengage driven Units and check for loading from malfunctioning accessories. 
Malfunctioning Engine Shutdown DeviceMake sure shutdown is not occurring too soon.
Air in the Fuel SystemBleed the fuel system and check for suction leaks. 
Fuel Filter Plugged or Fuel Waxing Due to Cold WeatherDrain fuel-water separator or replace filter. Check for fuel waxing in cold weather.
Fuel Supply RestrictedClean or replace pre-filters or screens and check for fuel-line restrictions.
Fuel ContaminatedVerify by operating engine from a temporary supply tank.
Injection Pump Timing IncorrectCheck injection pump timing.

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One Comment

  1. Hello, we have a situation with an excavator slowly sinking in mud in a very steep angle and wont start,it all happened a few weeks ago when it was re-fueled, the diesel fuel came from a busy service station where we had bought fuel before and had no issues with it, we had one injector replaced, same, just wont fire but it will if engine start spray is used, but then it stops running when spraying stops, the batteries have been checked and turns engine, the fuses have been checked, any advice would be appreciated, thanks.

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